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Business English for Teaching English Writing Skills

 Business English for Teaching English Writing Skills Want to speak better English? This course will help you reach that goal. Speak English professionally: Visiting in person and online over the phone will increase your ability to speak English. In this 5 week course you will learn how to identify and adhere to a strong personal introduction. You will develop and demonstrate speaking skills of group discussion: how to agree or disagree, how to clarify, act, and summarize. You will review and practice how information is provided and answer questions on the phone. You study and pay effective interviews. With english speaking course You will develop a sales pitch and introduce a product or service. Throughout the course you adjust how you speak English and when you speak you become more fluent and accurate. You will display culturally appropriate body language and accents. As you work through this course, you will evaluate yourself and peers. Through a combination of lectures, understanding and vocabulary, practice and performance, you gain the skills and confidence to communicate better in English, anywhere in the world.  


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